Fiberglass dermatitis is one of the most common forms of occupational dermatitis resulting from mechanical irritation. 玻璃纤维皮肤炎为由机械性刺激所引起的职业性皮肤炎中最常见的一种。
A case report on psychonosema after glucocorticoid therapy in a patient with occupational drug rash like dermatitis caused by trichloroethylene 职业性三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎激素治疗后出现精神障碍1例报告
Incidence and prevalence rates for occupational contact dermatitis in an Australian suburban area 一个澳大利亚城郊地区职业性接触性皮炎的发病率与患病率
Investigation and intervention of occupational contact dermatitis in petrochemical industry 石化行业职业性接触性皮炎调查分析及其试点干预
Occupational contact dermatitis in an electroplater 电镀工人职业性接触性皮炎1例报告
Occupational dermatitis can be verified into contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis and phototoxic dermatitis. 职业性皮炎可分为接触性皮炎、过敏性皮炎和光接触性皮炎等。
Survey on prevalence of occupational contact dermatitis in a certain cast steel factory 某铸钢厂工人职业性接触性皮炎患病调查
Comprehensive nursing in patients with occupational epispasis-like dermatitis due to trichloroethylene 职业性三氯乙烯致药疹样皮炎的整体护理
Occupational contact photo dermatitis 职业性光接触性皮炎
Occupational Contact Dermatitis Caused by Vanillin Processing 香兰素生产过程中引起的职业性接触性皮炎
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of patch test in environmental and occupational dermatitis caused by metal sensitivity, and to understand histopathological features of contact dermatitis due to nickel exposure. 目的探讨斑贴试验在金属过敏等环境与职业性皮炎中的诊断价值,了解镍接触性皮炎的组织病理学特征。
Occupational exposure to chromium is associated with several adverse effects of health, such as contact dermatitis, nasal perforation, and bronchiogenic cancer. 铬的职业暴露可引发的健康危害包括接触性皮炎、鼻中隔穿孔以及支气管癌等。